The Surprising Benefits of Exercise
Most people that take up exercise do so to in an effort to lose weight. It does not matter if you play a sport, take up running or walking, join a gym or any other exercise that is new to […]
Most people that take up exercise do so to in an effort to lose weight. It does not matter if you play a sport, take up running or walking, join a gym or any other exercise that is new to […]
When you have just started a new workout routine, you can go a little bit too hard a little bit too soon.
This can cause a lot of issues, not to mention getting bored quickly with your routine. But, it can cause long term injuries if you don’t pace […]
When was the last time you did some proper exercise? Not just running for the bus or taking a short walk with your dog, some real activity that got you sweating and your heart pumping? For so many, the answer will be ‘a long time ago’ or ‘I can’t even remember.’ And honestly, […]
We all start the year with the best intentions – going for daily runs, hitting the gym every day and following a healthy eating plan. Within a few weeks, those new years resolutions have fallen by the wayside for most of us. Cold, dark days and the temptation of snuggling up under blankets with Netflix and hearty […]
If you’re like me you hate cardio! You hate the thought of it and can’t stand the thought of going to a class that’s sixty minutes of pure cardio hell. Well here’s a cardio workout for you that won’t bore you and will probably burn more calories and enhance your fitness more-so than that […]
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) training has been around for a couple of decades in one form or another. It’s been touted to increase weight loss, rev up metabolism, increase testosterone in men, and do it all in less time than most training sessions (Robinson et al., 2017). The scientific research seems to be adding […]
So you think you don’t have time to workout? Uhhh, no! All you need is about 6-7 minutes for this high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout.
What you need:
2 Dumbbells of moderate weight (you’ll be pressing over head and rowing with it).
1 Jumprope
Manmakers […]
Have you ever wondered how the top actors get their chest in superhuman condition for a role such as Thor, Superman, Wolverine or Captain America? Well I have a chest routine for you to make your chest look and be […]
Growth Hormone is one of the most powerful hormones your body makes to keep your body youthful and strong! Unfortunately as we age our growth hormone (GH) levels drop. So how can we naturally increase the release and […]
Are you ready to better your health for 2018? I’ve assembled what I believe to be the best products for increasing your health and fitness in order to fast track your 2018 goals of better wellness. I’ve categorized them but the total number of products is 10 with two as optional.
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The kettlebell Sots press is one of the greatest core strength builders that incorporates both the legs and shoulder. This exercise will enable you to endure the most stressful positions you can ever find yourself in, thereby making it one of the most functional movements out there!
You don’t need a heavy […]
You want to lose weight and body fat? Just by stepping up your game with some effort and
consistency, you can experience the rewards of weight loss and improved health. With these helpful tips, you can be a non-stop fat-burning machine!
Going through your kitchen and cleaning out unhealthy foods is key to avoiding […]
EMOM simply means “every minute on the minute”, and is considered a staple in Crossfit training. However, the structure of EMOM workouts are pretty straightforward, and can be scaled to suit every fitness level, from beginners to elite athletes.
We undoubtedly live in a very stressful era. There’s so much turmoil happening across the globe and in our own country. It keeps many of us worried, afraid and thinking very negatively. I’m not one of those people to ignore what’s going on and act like everything is OK. At the same time I’m not […]