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The Anti-Inflammatory Diet: Your Path to Better Health and Weight Management

Disclaimer: Although I do receive a tiny commission with some of the links in this article, I use and believe in all of the products mentioned. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary from person to person. This […]

By |November 13th, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on The Anti-Inflammatory Diet: Your Path to Better Health and Weight Management

How to Increase GLP-1 Naturally

By Peter Marino M.S. CHC, CPT (Affiliate links are in this article)

Disclaimer: Although I do receive a tiny commission with some of the links in this article, I use and believe in all of the products […]

By |October 30th, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on How to Increase GLP-1 Naturally

10 Mindful Eating Tips to Improve Your Connection to Food

By Peter Marino M.S. CHC CPT

In today’s fast-paced world, the way we perceive and interact with food goes beyond mere sustenance. For many, food represents comfort, tradition, and even identity. However, with the rise of health issues linked to diet and an increasing awareness of the importance of […]

By |September 25th, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on 10 Mindful Eating Tips to Improve Your Connection to Food

Unlocking the Health Benefits of Lactoferrin: A Scientific Perspective

By: Peter Marino M.S. CPT CHC


Lactoferrin, a multifunctional glycoprotein found abundantly in human milk and various bodily fluids, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its remarkable health benefits. This article explores the scientific evidence supporting the numerous advantages of lactoferrin, spanning its role […]

By |September 8th, 2023|Anti-Aging, Nutrition|Comments Off on Unlocking the Health Benefits of Lactoferrin: A Scientific Perspective

Quercetin: The Super Flavonoid You Should Have in Your Diet

Quercetin is a flavonoid, a type of naturally occurring plant chemical that has antioxidant properties that help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body and has anti-inflammatory properties.

 It is commonly found in a variety of foods, including:

  1. Citrus fruits such as […]
    1. Citrus fruits such as […]
By |July 10th, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on Quercetin: The Super Flavonoid You Should Have in Your Diet

The Benefits of Glutamine: A Must-Have Supplement for Your Nutritional Plan

Glutamine is an essential amino acid that plays a crucial role in many bodily functions. It is the most abundant amino acid in the body and is found in high concentrations in the muscles, lungs, brain, and liver. Glutamine is also a popular supplement among athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts due to its […]

By |July 4th, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on The Benefits of Glutamine: A Must-Have Supplement for Your Nutritional Plan

Why Ashwagandha Should Be a Part of Your Nutrition Plan

If you’re looking for a natural way to boost your energy levels, balance your hormones, and improve your overall health, then you should definitely consider adding ashwagandha to your supplement routine. This powerful herb has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a variety of conditions, and it has been shown […]

By |January 3rd, 2023|Nutrition|Comments Off on Why Ashwagandha Should Be a Part of Your Nutrition Plan

Why Pesticides Are Bad for Humans & the Planet


The effects that herbicides have on humans are controversial. Many scientists have sometimes arrived at contradicting findings when studying the effects that herbicides have on the environment and subsequently on humans. Most of the negative effects of herbicides arise from their ability to alter the composition of the human […]

By |December 20th, 2022|Nutrition|Comments Off on Why Pesticides Are Bad for Humans & the Planet

At Home Gut Microbiome Test; Why You Should Do It, How I Can Help

The human digestive system is extremely complex, and one major component of this system involves the coordination of many microorganisms, often referred to as the gut microbiome, and their metabolites. In humans, these metabolites can either promote or suppress the overall health of an individual in a myriad of ways.

By |August 10th, 2022|Nutrition|Comments Off on At Home Gut Microbiome Test; Why You Should Do It, How I Can Help

This little known compound can better your health & prevent aging

Uses and Health Benefits of the Metabolite Urothilin-A

Urolithin A (UA) is a complex natural metabolite belonging to the urolithins family. The compound has a biochemical composition that consists of an α-benzo-coumarin scaffold. The gut microbiota generates this vital metabolite from ellagitannins and […]

By |May 5th, 2022|Anti-Aging, Nutrition|Comments Off on This little known compound can better your health & prevent aging

Best At-Home Gut Microbiome Test

Why You Should Do It, How I Can Help

The human digestive system is extremely complex, and one major component of this system involves the coordination of many microorganisms and their metabolites in your gut. In humans, these metabolites can either promote or suppress the overall health of an individual […]

By |April 6th, 2022|Coaching, Nutrition|Comments Off on Best At-Home Gut Microbiome Test

Fat Loss for Men Over 40 Using the Ketogenic Diet

There have been many diets over the years that have promised weight loss and general improvements in body composition, but how many of them actually work, and at what cost?

The idea behind most diets is to maintain what’s called a caloric deficit. A caloric deficit is eating fewer total […]

By |November 15th, 2021|Anti-Aging, Nutrition|Comments Off on Fat Loss for Men Over 40 Using the Ketogenic Diet

Don’t Skip Another Meal Until You Read This

It’s easy to skip meals, either deliberately or accidentally. Maybe you’re trying to drop a few pounds quickly. Maybe you’re too rushed to eat breakfast or too sleepy to cook dinner.

But what exactly is that hit-or-miss dining doing to your body? Recent studies have found that long hours on […]

By |November 8th, 2021|Nutrition|Comments Off on Don’t Skip Another Meal Until You Read This

Reduce the Urge for Emotional Eating

If you’re an emotional eater, you’re not alone. Food is the most common means of

dealing with negative feelings. While the occasional bowl of ice cream won’t cause any

harm, many people take it too far. Unhealthy foods can cause a myriad of health

By |October 12th, 2021|Coaching, Nutrition|Comments Off on Reduce the Urge for Emotional Eating

How Cistanche Fights Against Aging

CistancheCistanche is a parasitic dessert herb native to the Taklamakan desert region of northwest China where it grows on host desert plants.[1] Cistanche has been used in traditional […]

By |April 25th, 2021|Anti-Aging, Nutrition|Comments Off on How Cistanche Fights Against Aging

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